Welcome to my blog
I collect ideas and stories here, from various professional and leisure activities.
The cake in the picture has been part of my life for a very long time and for a very good reason. That’s why there is an in-depth discussion-recipe-story about it here called Asymptotisch Optimierte Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. It was written and is maintained in German for historical reasons. The rest of this blog is written in English.
My personal Favourites
How Fast Can a Runner Run?
Recently, it was time for one of our annual family traditions.
Quick and simple breakfast recipe: Oatmeal With Pear aka Gatsch
This is the recipe for something I make every morning for breakfast. We lovingly call it “Gatsch” in Austrian.
Geekdom and Politics
Dear Jamie and Justin, you don’t know me. But I have the feeling that I know you.
Asymptotisch Optimierte Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
This is a recipe-story about my wife’s favourite cake. Enjoy!